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You planted thorns in my chest with hands I once trusted, and now every breath feels like an apology I shouldn’t owe.

-Larson Langston

January 23, 2025

I miss talking to you. I’m sad right now.

I hope you’ll talk to me again someday.

I wish you would talk to me.

I’ll have to tell you about my lizard tomorrow!

Watching Stargate and they were getting a mine and taking it somewhere. But instead of a mine like a bomb, I thought a mine that you dig in. So I was confused and kept asking how they were going to get a mine into the ship. Lol I was imagining all these “tubes” going all directions floating in the ship. I don’t know what they were until I saw it on the tv. lol

Are you ever going to talk to me again…?

I really wish you would talk to me… feel like throwing up again… laying down so hopefully I don’t.

I wish you didn’t hate me so much. I try to be a good person, a good friend, but I should have known better than to try. I should have known I would fail. 

Got my nose pierced the other day. I’ve always wanted to. It was very nerve racking thinking about a needle in my face. lol but I got through it! lol

I wish I could talk to you about my new diagnoses (not that you would actually allow me to talk to you). It makes me understand myself better. But it makes me extremely sad because if I knew this before things may have been better in my life. But the irony of this is I probably would t have been diagnosed if I hadn’t gotten upset that you wouldn’t/won’t talk to me.
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