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You planted thorns in my chest with hands I once trusted, and now every breath feels like an apology I shouldn’t owe.

-Larson Langston

February 1, 2025

Saw my psych today. She was very happy that I am doing so much better. She said OCD is really hard to diagnose since it looks so much like more common diagnoses like adhd, bipolar, and bpd. She said my symptoms were so subtle that the only way she could figure it out was by small things I said each time we’ve met. She actually said that my case helped her diagnose a couple people this past month. That was nice to hear. At least I’ve done some actual good in my life even if it was indirectly. I just hope they are younger so they can have a less painful life.I finally got pills instead of the liquid medicine I’ve been taking. So happy about that. I’m done gagging on that crap. She also said she thinks that I’ll be able to get off all meds after about a year of Prozac and OCD specific therapy.I still can’t believe how quiet my head is. I was staring off into space while in the car and after a few minutes I realized I hadn’t actually been thinking about anything. It’s insane. Wish you were still “talking” to me so I would know if I would still care that you were ignoring me or not.3 months now
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